Friday 23 January 2015

Just, Thanks, Dream

I was stunned reading beautiful words written by my friend during her birthday last December. It reflects how happy she is living on earth. Nothing seems to limit her pace of life. Living. Dreaming. That's how it supposed to be. In life. 

I've written something about dream before. Tapi tulah. There'll be one fine day that you realize, it'll not make any better just to dream. We must strive towards it. Work hard! Struggle! Walk towards it! That's the best definition of living, to me. 

Our journey is never ending. It is a lifelong, and continues to Jannah. In this journey, we dream a lot. Banyak yang kita nak capai. It is human intuition to dream. Normal lah bila we desire something in our life. And, to dream, actually taught us a lot. I mean, a lot. 

Aku try recall balik, when did I start dreaming. Bila masanya sebab I never see myself as a dreamer before. And, I remembered. Masih fresh lagi dalam ingatan aku, masa ada kem motivasi kat sekolah rendah masa darjah enam, the motivator asked us about our future plan. At that time, entah macam mana, dari mana aku dapat ilham for my dream. Dengan yakin dan confidentnya, aku pergi depan, ambil mic from the motivator and said;

" Lepas habis sekolah ni, saya akan masuk ke sekolah berasrama penuh. Ala, yang dekat Gombak tu, ada satu sekolah baru tepi jalan. Habis sekolah, umur 18 saya akan masuk universiti. Lepas tu, umur 23 saya akan sambung belajar lagi. Umur 27 saya akan dapat PhD!"

Masa zaman aku, rata-rata member, aku geng perempuan je, semua nak masuk Seri Puteri ataupun SAMBEST (ni sekolah agama, aku dapat juga sekolah ni sebab, ehem ehem, cemerlang kan PSRA.. haha). Tapi aku masa tu, nak masuk sekolah yang baru siap tepi jalan dekat Gombak. Aku tau sekolah tu sebab selalu lalu nak pergi rumah mak cik aku. Yes, it is SBPI Gombak. haha.. This dream, somehow, tercapailah jugak. Even the Gombak is changed to Temerloh. haha.. Alhamdulillah, aku dapat masuk SBPI... Temerloh.. haha..

Tepat dengan the words of my life plan yang aku ucapkan masa aku umur 12, 23 tahun, aku sambung study lagi. Tapi, part 27 dapat PhD tu yang, krik krik krik.. haha.. But, I always believe, Allah knows us the best. Dia tahu apa yang terbaik untuk kita. He'll give us something yang kita boleh cope. His gift selalu akan suit kita punya kemampuan. 

Dan, aku sentiasa pegang pada kata-kata, setiap yang berlaku ada hikmah disebaliknya. No matter how dark the forecast is, every cloud has a silver lining. No matter how hard it is, macam mana kita jatuh, struggle nak bangun balik, there's always a light shining at the end of our journey. 

"Effort never betrays you.
If it ever does, 
that just means you didn't put enough effort into it."

That's why, I never let myself to give up. Keep going. Keep struggling. Never stop. Jangan pernah berpuas hati. If you dare to dream, jangan pernah berpatah arah. Keep moving sampai the dream jadi reality. Sebab aku selalu percaya yang hard work, deserves to be rewarded. Kerja keras selalu akan dapat hasil yang lumayan. Memang the journey tak pernah best, berapa banyak kita tersadung, terjatuh, belum masuk part menangis, meraung bagai, tapi, in the end, it is always worth to struggle. 

By dreaming, we learn how to be responsible. We learn how to work hard. We learn how to never give up. We learn how to appreciate. Why appreciate? There'll be a day when we realize, there are actually people behind us. We all have supporters in life. The special people yang selalu ada dengan kita, tak kira susah, tak kira senang, selalu, kita tak nampak. Padahal, selalu kat diorang nilah yang kita luah itu ini. These people, you'll learn someday, you'll never made it without them. 

It is never wrong to dream. We are born to dream. Dan, hidup dengan mimpi tu. Sebab tu yang akan buat kita moving forwards. Tu yang akan buat kita jalan. Tu yang akan buat kita lari laju-laju. Tu yang akan buat kita rasa, betapa bermaknanya life kita ni. Buat kita rasa, this is indeed, a true definition of living the life to the fullest.

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